
Prints for sale: All prints use high quality art paper and are signed. Sizes listed may not be exact but are close. Framed work is matted and gallery style frames are either black or natural wood depending on the image (or your preference). Local (Fargo area) framed pieces are put together with glass and hand delivered. Out of area orders are glazed with plexi-glass for safe shipping. Shipping costs are added to prices listed.


Print only                                                Framed


Size                Price                                 Size                Price


5x7”               $30                                   8x10”             $100

8.5x11            $45                                  11x14             $125

11x14             $55                                  16x19             $155

13x19             $75                                  18x24             $250

16x20             $90                                  22x26             $350